Spacesaver Shoe Box

Team : 60 Miles
Ms Kirana Khongsut
Ms Kharnmita Boonsuwan
Ms Napat Mukngoen
Spacesaver Shoe Box: is a shoe box that can be separated into two smaller boxes. So you can store your shoes separately. Or it can be used to put small items as desired. Whether it's household equipment or work equipment. But at the same time, they can be put back together into the same big box. To give you variety in use and increase flexibility in storing things in every area. Whether they are teenagers or elderly people can use this box because it is easy to take it apart and put it back together. The method is if you take the shoes out of the box and want to split the shoe box into two smaller boxes. This can be done by pulling the two boxes apart. After receiving two boxes you will see that there is a box with an excess box base. Users can fold the base of the box up to attach to the side of the box straight away. And if the user wants to put those two boxes together into one box like in the beginning. Users can pull the base of the box that has been folded up a moment ago down, and insert it back into the bottom of another box. Just like this, you will get a single big box like in the beginning. And in terms of use, in addition to having the features mentioned above. If the shoebox is turned over, our shoebox can also be used as board games such as chess or checkers.
Main features:
- No excess waste left
- Simple design and can be used by all genders and ages
- Convenient storage and space-saving because it can disassemble from each other
- Able to restore the big box as before