
Team : Splashlight
Mrs Muenfun Papoompruk
Toothbrush boxes
Nowadays, toothbrush boxes in market isn’t suitable for aging society because on the back of toothbrush boxes too small letter and importantly we have to apply force for open or pick-up toothbrush through small dotted line. In some packages is hard to looking for open part.
From all of problems, I want to solve the problems of toothbrush boxes. The solution of toothbrush boxes can support aging society, who ability to use force was decreased and decrease of vision.
In the first part, use understandable symbols instead text of suggestions and warning, use outstanding color and picture, and appropriate size of letter.
The second is letter with head for readable and clearly. Don’t need equipment such as glasses.
The third is position of opening from some corner or small dotted line to area that can be deducted with upper part of toothbrush boxes from clearly leading line. This function will reduce force of users.
Finally, there is Braille for person with visually impaired to be able access from the top of plastic seal and over the seam in back side.
Design with colorful color for attractive appealing and theses colors don’t feel aging. Elements in graphics is about brushing such as bubble and shape of toothpaste.