Medicine to lower blood pressure packaging for senior

Team : PG
Ms Piyapat Khunnual
Mrs Suwanan Chaichaeng
Mrs Nasaporn Wanichpisitpan
Pain Point - Most elderly people have memory problems, due to the deterioration of the brain and other parts of the body. Therefore, the elderly must take care of their health more than other ages and have medicine that must be taken regularly, such as medicines to lower blood pressure. Many times, they tend to forget that ‘Have I taken my medicine today?', which leads to a solution.
Solution - From the pain point, the packaging was designed as a weekly medicine package, which uses the color of the day as a symbol instead of the message. Due to the deterioration of the eyesight of the elderly, they are often unable to read much text, but colors can still be differentiated. Therefore, the color of the day is used in the design instead of the text to help remind elderly people to take their medicine.