Packaging for Seniors

Team : JNL
Ms Natnicha Thippanya
Ms Ananya Pangsrisarn
Mr Yossagon Sansri
We have repackaged the original package. It's a steel can with a rubber lid. There is a sphere before activation. The inner stainless steel cover must be removed first. This requires a lot of strength to open the lid once and you have to calculate by yourself how many spoons you need to mix for one drink.
We thought that if we were alone or an elderly person who lived alone, we would have to open the tight lid. What if you can't open it? I would definitely feel terrible, so I want to design a package that is easy to use, easy to open, and I want something that can be unwrapped in an amount that has already calculated what must be in one envelope.
The package has been changed from a steel can. It is a box made from thick cardboard. Strong and also environmentally friendly Our functionality has been changed to a new style. There will be a magnet that opens and closes to make it easy and convenient for users to use.
In use, you must open it from the side. It takes only a little force to open and you can tear the envelope easily because the envelope is made of kraft paper and has perforations in the corners, making it easy to tear.