
Team : Sorkorsor
Mr Thitiwut Thienphattharoj
Mr Gritt Sittichai
Mr Pariwat Phonphet
SodSod has a packaging design concept in mind. "Mainly the elderly" in terms of how to open that the elderly can open the packaging by themselves by zip lock bag which in addition to being able to open easily can also slow down the darkening of apples from exposure to outside air Allows you to share and eat. There is a compartment that can be inserted by hand. convenient to carry Including choosing colors that look comfortable and can be seen clearly and the choice of clear plastic to clearly show the quality of apples as a factor in consumers' purchasing decisions
SodSod takes into account the principle of reducing environmental damage. and reduce the amount of waste From the selection of plastic materials That has a negative effect on the environment from the destruction of this type of material. But on the other hand We have seen the advantages of plastic (Rethink) in terms of longevity. Compared to paper materials Paper has a much shorter lifespan than plastic materials. Including having to trade off with the loss of natural resources as well. from features that have lasted for a long time Therefore, we can reuse packaging to reduce the amount of waste.