Team : super fresh
Ms Kanokwan Srisomboonkamol
Ms Pratchayawadee Thapinta
Ms Sanee Nimcharoen
This is a juice box that is designed to be suitable for the elderly in terms of a more comfortable grip style. There is a groove for the grip to prevent slipping. There is a handle on the top of the box for easy carrying and reducing the use of plastic bags. On the right side of the box, there is a hole to see the amount of juice inside the box, making it possible to recognize from the outside. If the fruit juice rots, it will prevent the elderly from risk before pouring out the fruit juice to drink. The lid is designed based on the pattern of fingers when opening. It has curved following the shape of the index finger and thumb while grip to reduce torque and make it easier to open.
The box uses materials of paper mixed with plastic to make it strong and able to support the weight of the box and also does not affect the permeability of liquids. The inner coat is made of PE plastic. The lid uses plastic material. The hole for viewing the amount of juice inside the box is made of transparent plastic (PET).
The graphics around the juice box convey "Be FRESH and FRESH like FRESHMEN. "It gives a youthful vibe. The graphic expresses the fruit according to the type of juice. On the side of the box is the graphic of the fruit pulp. Texts on the front of the box are appropriate for the elderly in both size and color to be eye-catching and easy to read.