Packaging for mushroom extract tablets, 4 formulas for the cool seniors

Team : ทำได้จริง
Ms Kanya Amonrattanakosol
Packaging for 4 formulas of mushroom extract tablet dietary supplements for adults of all genders and ages to choose from. Each formula helps prevent the occurrence of various diseases that occur in the elderly. The packaging is designed to be cute. because of the current age I don't want to feel alienated from normal teenagers. The packaging used is therefore not very formal. It looks playful and interesting. Light weight, easy to carry, easy to see, solving the problem of forgetting to take medicine. The lid is larger than the bottle. Make it easy to open without having to rely on others.
when finished eating The packaging can still be used, for example as a flower vase or pencil holder. In addition, if you separate the cap from the bottle The lid could also be made into a cup with a keychain. And the bottle can continue to be a vase.