Smiley Chilli Paste

Team : onek + tomapo
Mr Phanwa Liamrak
Ms Saranya Hoemhan
The research tells us when people get old they will spend most of their money and time cooking food at home. That is why we chose Chilli paste to redesign for people in old age to be easy to read and easy to use. In most of the chilli paste on the market, you will see cylindrical jars or cans, but old people don't have much precise to hold and place in the right position and it has a chance to roll and fall from the table and it will dangerous for the old person. so we redesigned it to be a square jar to have a break from roll and fall from the table. The cap old design in the market uses metal caps that are hard to open and we redesigned it to use plastic caps and bigger ones so it doesn't have to use much energy to open. We put the expiration and production date on top of the cap to help to read more easily. For the design label, we used clear and white to contrast the dark red color of chili paste and to see the amount of chilli paste. For the label, we use the plastic warp technic and when a customer uses all of the chilli paste you can peel the label to reuse the package.The object on the package and expanded the text of ingredients to help customer old people easy to see what we put in the chilli paste.