Edible tea bags

Team : เรื่องเล่นเรา ชินจัง
Ms Bunyaporn Pakornwichit
Ms Artittaya Rodpol
The problem of tearing open a tea bag while drinking hot tea reminds people of a new tea bag with a thin film inside, which can be eaten without tearing open the tea bag or scooping up powder. You can put the tea film containing fruit tea powder into hot water for consumption. This also helps to reduce microplastic issues.
The film used for packaging powder is made of cassava starch, which is a waterproof and moisture-resistant film that protects the powder in the bag. But the thin film itself also has thermal stability, so it can melt in heat.
The box package is designed to be easy to pick up after opening the tea bag. The tea bag will flow down into the opening and closing hole for you to pick up.