Comfee Adult Diaper Pants Packaging

Team : 123 หน่อ
Ms Tannicha Wantayakul
Mr Yuwarat Boonmas
Mr Wiritpol Janthornsirijan
Unique • Practical • Exact
The cuboid shape allows easy arrangements and storage on shelves for stores. The handle on the side is added for easier handling. Vibrant colors and design add an attention-grabbing factor to the packaging. The minimalist style was chosen to best fit this era’s trend. The highlight is the 3 different ways of opening the pack. Each with contrasting uses which allows consumers to choose the one that fits their practice the best.
Bold • Legible • Appealing
- The graphic style is minimalist. The barebone details make it easier to understand, uncomplicated, and straightforward to communicate. Main features include limited and bright colors, lack of light and shadows, geometric-like shapes, reduced details, and simple fonts.
- It is decorated with cartoonish elderly characters, which was added to show that the product is for elderly people and to create a vivid and friendly feeling.
- The adult pants icon is also in the minimalist style. The icon’s purpose is to represent what exactly is inside the packaging.
- The yellow color highlights the most important parts of the box such as pants’ size and number of pieces.
Mood and Tone
Calm • Clean • Clear
The packaging’s graphics were designed to represent exactly what to tell. The blue and white color serves as the feeling of cleanness, comfort, and relaxation. The simple design also reinforces the idea of cleanness. The geometric-like components are clear and straightforward. Cartoon characters and the logo itself increases the feeling of comfort and friendliness. Overall, the key mood and tone is about happiness, comfort, and cleanness.
Efficient • Simple • Eco-friendly
There is only a single material used which is corrugated paper. Many of its characteristics are suitable for packaging including light weight, durable, and environmentally friendly due to the fact that it is easily decomposable and the process which uses leftover papers to produce. Moreover, the production process is simpler because there is only one material used for the entire packaging.
Diverse • Thorough • Flexible
- Durable - The packaging is made of corrugated paper, which is durable and able to protect products without decaying.
- Easily Transportable - Corrugated paper and products themselves are lightweight. The handle is also added for easier handling.
- Extensive Uses - Due to different ways of opening the package, it is more convenient to use for many situations.
- More Convenient Production - With only one kind of material used and the cuboid-shaped design, it is not complicated to produce.
- Environmental friendly - Corrugated paper, which is the only material used for the pack, can be entirely decomposed and recyclable.
- Handle - Located on the side of the box. Start by rotating the box 90 degrees with the handle facing up, then slide fingers into the handle for easier handling.
- Pack Opening Type 1 (Front) - There are 2 patches located on the bottom of the front side (can be opened both or one side). Start by using fingers to push into the area with “เปิด” text into the box, then carefully peel the rest out. Patches will become holes for hands to slide in and grab products inside.
- Pack Opening Type 2 (Middle) - The starting point is on the top of the box. Pull and follow the patch until it reaches the bottom of the box. When done, Fold both left and right side into each other. This way, products are exposed and split into 2 sides. Furthermore, both sides can be separated into 2 smaller boxes. This is the easiest way to access the product.
- Pack Opening Type 3 (Side) - This is the common way of opening the box. Open the first and second layer of folded paper like doors. When opened, a single row of products will be shown, allowing products to be accessed from the hole.