
Team : tian
Mrs Tiankwan Saibua
An analgesic balm to relieve muscle and pains, In general the users tend to be those who have a physical occupation or usually have to stay in the same position for a long time, including the elderly who have more pain in different areas of the body according to the deterioration of the body for a long time.
'Klaizen' therefore helps the use of analgesic balm can used more efficiently. There is a change in the form of a tube of ointment to relieve muscle pain. By using the 'lid' part which is part of the package. Let's develop it so that consumers receive the most benefit. By bringing the form of a massage device to develop into a part of the lid.
For more easier, more convenient and no need to find additional equipment. It's one of Klaizen's goals. Turn it off use the massager that comes with the lid to instantly massage pressure points on sore muscles. It also uses materials that are strong but gentle to consumers. Suitable for use to relax muscles especially. Easy to clean and can be reused many times until the product runs out. This is especially true for the elderly who are suitable for using devices that are as comfortable, safe and easy to use as possible.