Sense the Scenes

Team : Jinny
Mrs Jinchanok Pavaputanon Na Mahasarakam
Increasing age is such a big deal in our lives. There are not many activities for the elderly due to their deteriorated body not being able anything as efficiently as when they were younger. They mostly keep their routine by doing normal activities such as reading books, planting trees, watching TV, etc., but they all use their eyes. I have seen that reading is a simple but interesting relaxing activity. It should be further developed with products currently available that older people use. The big problem in reading for the elderly is poor eyesight and blurry vision. And of course, when talking about relaxation, the first thing people, here in Thailand, think of is inhalers.
Therefore, I combine two things that relax the elderly and help solve the problem of blindness by making the packaging of inhalers with a magnifying glass on the packaging. It can be used in situations where you want to read a relaxed book but can't see the text. They can use the magnifying glass from the packaging to look at the text along with the inhaled sniff then it also gives relaxation. Resulting in the birth of a brand name that we named Sense The Scene comes from sniffing and relaxing to the point where you can read the book clearly with the help of a magnifying glass on the packaging. Especially, It also takes advantage of the sustainability of the product in the most cost-effective way.