Team : สามเกลอเสมอกัน
Ms Neen Boonyobhas
Ms Panassaya Rattanabunsakul
Mr Napat Tangwatjanayobai
Packaging for protein supplements embodies happiness, health, and well-being, MEESOOK.
Currently, there is a growing elderly population in society, and this trend is expected to persist. Projections suggest that over the next two decades, this demographic will constitute one-fifth of the global population. In Thailand, more than 12 million people, or one-sixth of the population, are aged 60 years and above. This demographic shift, coupled with a declining birth rate, signifies that Thailand is transitioning toward becoming an aging society. This underscores the significance of addressing the needs of the elderly population.
Within the realm of marketing, the increasing number of elderly individuals is a notable trend. Our group has chosen to focus on a food supplement product due to the prevailing purchasing behavior among the elderly. Elderly individuals are increasingly prioritizing their health, with dietary supplements emerging as a preferred healthcare option. Medically, it has been observed that this age group is at a higher risk of malnutrition due to reduced appetite, and dietary supplements provide a remedy for this issue.
Most dietary supplements on the market are encased in film to deter tampering. However, a common issue encountered is the difficulty in removing this film, often necessitating the use of sharp objects, posing a safety risk to those opening the packaging. To address this concern, we have devised a box design that incorporates tamper-evident features without the need for film. Our approach employs perforations on the box; opening it simply involves pulling along these perforations. Furthermore, we have extended the perforation tip beyond the box's edge and enhanced it with clear graphics, making it easy for the elderly to access the content. Additionally, our box design allows for resealing after product retrieval.
Another challenge we identified pertains to the small incision for product envelopes, making it difficult for elderly individuals to locate and open. To rectify this, we have incorporated a graphic that indicates where to tear the envelope. Furthermore, we seal the envelope on one side, leaving the other side like a tube to facilitate the pouring of powder products. Our choice of Mono Material for the envelopes enhances recyclability, aligning with environmental concerns.