
Team : Pack-Phum
Mrs Napworn Wongphontree
Mr Kattiya Nuchpiren
Mr Wachirawit Aingthaisong
About the Brand
To proudly sell Thai desserts “Pack-Phum” is a brand selling many various Thai desserts with a goal of making people have easier access to Thai desserts. So “PackPhum” will have both storefront and online selling which focus on E-commerce with a packaging designed to be easy for shipping and made from eco-friendly materials to support the idea of reducing emissions.
The customer group of “Pack-Phum” will mainly focus on introverts that have interest in Thai desserts which they prefer to stay inside and have less human interactions.
In comparison with other brands “Pack-Phum” will focus on the lifestyle of customers with a reasonable price and quality.
For future plans “Pack-Phum” will also be making sales in airports and tourist attractions to get more customers from foreigners and tourists and add seasonal products such as Thai desserts from seasonal fruits and local ingredients.
About the Packaging
The package is designed under the concept of being a ready to eat “Pinto” inspired packaging of Thai desserts which have the inspiration from “Pinto” or stacked lunch box and usage of banana leaf that is traditionally used as material for Thai desserts package.
The packaging design is stackable like “Pinto” which makes it easier for shipment.
It have Thai tone color which give the feeling of banana leaf like the traditional way of making Thai desserts and contrast with golden color like a pin that use for closing the package in the traditional way of making Thai desserts packaging, and decorated with Thai pattern that got inspired from an old traditional Thai dessert named “Dara Thong”.
Under the lid of the package, will have a QR Code which directs to the brand’s website. After scanning the QR Code will take you to the site of “Pack-Phum” where the customer can explore information about the brand and knowledge about Thai desserts and discover local stories behind each dessert that “Packphum” has opened a physical store in the local area.
Additionally the QR code will help reduce the publications and promotional cost but also provide an opportunity to review the brand services and further enhance the brand marketing.
For the material of the packaged, On the outside will be made out of recycled paper and on the inside will be PET plastic to make it easy for recycling.