
Team : Luminara
Ms Chananchida Leksuksri
Ms Thipsuda Sapraksa
Mr Thanaphol Buranasuk
Skincare packaging that is environmentally friendly and consumer-friendly Made from wheat husks mixed with PE bioplastic to form a shape, which can be biodegraded within 3-4 years, can be buried in soil at a temperature of 50-60 degrees Celsius, which has a degradation mechanism by enzymes and bacteria in nature, or through factories that have been certified and can be recycled. Use as a replacement for plastic bottles that are not environmentally friendly. Set goals for brand development, create awareness for consumers by making the brand memorable by designing a logo and using color tones that play with emotions and feelings with consumers. Use social media to create interesting and useful content for followers, such as articles, images, videos. Use social media ads to increase visibility. Marketing through influencers Let influential people in that industry review or talk about products to create awareness in new target groups. Our products are suitable for consumers who care about the environment, consumers who support sustainable businesses, and consumers who care about the brand image who want to use products that reflect their personal values, such as environmental responsibility and choosing products that support a sustainable lifestyle. When the product is used up, the packaging can be exchanged for a discount on the next product. So that the distribution company will properly recycle the packaging. And customers will be able to buy products at a cheaper price. It is worthwhile to use and choose to buy more. Marketing and brand measurement It is measured from direct sales from marketing campaigns, helping to know how much revenue the campaign generates. Engagement measurement is used for online campaigns, such as likes, shares, comments or clicks on social media or websites. Website traffic using Google Analytics to see if there is an increase in traffic. Brand measurement is used. Brand awareness is measured by how much consumers know or are familiar with our brand through surveys or measuring brand searches on search engines. Customer satisfaction is used by using satisfaction surveys or measurements from reviews and feedback to see how satisfied customers are with the product or service. Brand loyalty is measured by the number of customers who come back to buy again or subscribe, indicating brand loyalty.