
Team : มาทีหลังหนูขอหวังได้ไหม
Ms Khanittha Phomeesri
Ms Bussarakham Jamroensat
Mr Kittipat Chaiwong
• Business Environment Analysis
Strengths : Our brand offers a diverse range of products with unique packaging that reduces waste.
Weaknesses : Being a new brand in a crowded market means we face challenges in gaining consumer purchases.
Opportunities : We see a small opportunity in our packaging, as it can be repurposed, increasing the likelihood of our products being purchased.
Threats : As a new brand, customers may lack confidence in our product quality, leading to hesitation in making purchases.
• Brand Development Goals : We aim to develop our brand to provide customers with efficient products that meet their needs and help solve their problems.
• Target Customer Group and Insights : Our target customers are those interested in purchasing products that provide convenience in their daily lives. This includes individuals who may live in small spaces or have many belongings. Therefore, we design our packaging to be reusable, allowing customers to derive further benefits while also reducing waste.
• Packaging Design for Society and the Environment : Our brand's packaging is made from paper, reducing plastic waste. We have chosen to offer rice cookers as our product because rice is a staple food for many Thai people, essential for their sustenance and daily living.
• Marketing Activities and Brand Development through Packaging : We conduct marketing through advertising on platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and TikTok, allowing viewers to see our products and the concepts behind our packaging. This engagement enables us to gather audience feedback, which we use to further develop and enhance our brand.
• Measuring Marketing and Brand Success: We measure our marketing effectiveness by tracking sales following our advertising efforts, assessing how well we meet the sales targets we have set.