Portable jam packaging (JAMHARVEST)

Team : Little T
Ms Narakorn Kamparat
Ms Supattra Bunmark
Ms Samitanan Hiranpitakpong
JAMHARVEST : The name reflects the intention to use the fruit to its fullest potential and reduce wastage of food resources that would otherwise be wasted. It represents making jam that is sustainable and environmentally conscious.
PRODUCT : Portable jam packaging made from pressed recycled paper coated with Beeswax, with specific characteristics and properties.
Packaging characteristics
• Main material: Beeswax coated recycled paper.
• Shape: Designed in the form of a small piece of butter. or a convenient portable format
• Size: Small size suitable for portability, such as 30-50 grams.
Beeswax Coating • Protection: Beeswax protects the jam from air and moisture. Makes the jam stay fresh longer. • Waterproof properties: Beeswax has waterproof properties. Makes the package waterproof to a certain extent. • Sealing: Beeswax helps seal the package tightly, reducing leakage.
Reduce Plastic Use: Using recycled paper coated with Beeswax reduces our reliance on plastic. This is a material that is difficult to decompose and has an impact on the environment.
Reduce waste: Effective packaging design can reduce the amount of materials used in production. and reduce waste generation
Reuse: Beeswax-coated paper is durable and can be reused in many situations, such as food wrapping or craft materials. After using up the jam Long-lasting design: Designing packaging so that it can be reused many times, such as using durable containers that can hold other items.
Recycle: Recycled paper: Recycled paper used in packaging can be recycled after use. Beeswax Recycling Handling: Although Beeswax coating may not be recyclable in conventional recycling systems, But packaging with Beeswax coating can be disposed of in waste management systems that accept compostable materials.