WHEE Treatment

Team : Hello kitty
Ms ชนัญชิดา พิมพขันธ์
Ms รัตนกร อิ่มสุวรรณ
Ms จิราวรรณ พร้อมเจริญ
The problem of consumers from using hair treatment. When using it, there is dirt or water into the treatment, making the treatment less effective for the next use. Therefore, we are interested in developing packaging for products used in the bathroom. Like the hair treatment jar. Therefore, it has been modified from a normal jar to be designed by adding a comb to avoid dirt or water into the treatment. And also use the comb to wash your hair and massage the head to relax. There is a change in the jar to make it easier to use, strong, durable and can be reused, refillable, disassemble, recycle as well.