Shigeru eyewear packaging

Idea Tank
Team : Pao


Ms Bich Phao

Shigeru is a Vietnamese eyewear brand. All products here are handmade one by one. The goal of this project is to create visual effects to impress consumers.

Shigeru pursues the use of unique, sustainable and environmentally safe materials.

The eye diagram combined with the brand's 3 main materials (wood, horn, bamboo) according to optical illusion is the main idea of the packaging design. Combined with typography and the shrinking effect of the visual scale to create materials that attract the viewer's eye.

The visual material here is text. When using a series of hallucinogenic effects like this, minimizing the texture is very necessary, to avoid elements between texture and image that conflict with each other. .

Because this is eyeglasses packaging, the first look is the most important thing, the first direct approach to make an impression on eyeglasses packaging.

The paper material used is curious matter paper, paper made from tapioca starch, environmentally friendly. The use of environmentally friendly paper and natural materials is also very close to the brand's criteria.

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