Instant cereal, Good for health
Team : Kim Ngân
Ms Ngân Kim
Inspired by popular delicious dishes around the world, cereal may not be a familiar dish to your family. But it is a dish that many people love in Western countries because cereals have very high nutritional value. However, cereal products are extremely difficult to compete in the market because this product is only intended for children. But adults really love to eat cereal. The packaging is brown as the main color for the cereal product we chose to introduce in this packaging image, inspired by wheat. nature is a very good food for Vietnamese people and the health of the elderly. The product is made of environmentally friendly paper and can be reused in the future. The front of the rice plant display origin Noodles are close and familiar to Westerners, but to Vietnamese people, this image is not yet popular. Not only that, the packaging also has easy-to-read and easy-to-read data parameters that stimulate buyers so that they can choose the product quickly when they see the product when entering a supermarket or shopping mall.